Of course, if you've already said the opposite or gave a wishy-washy answer, it's too late for you.
Here's five reasons making such a statement can help elect you:
1 It will separate you from the Pack
For the most part Republican Presidential candidates fall into two categories: Those who openly question Obama's birthplace and those who can't bring themselves to make a clear statement on the matter.
The moment you declare your belief that Obama was born in the US, you immediately become a big story no matter how obscure you were before. The fact that a famous publicity-hound like Trump is saying the opposite will keep you in the news for some time.
2 It will appeal to independent voters
Most independent voters will not vote for a candidate who is afraid to speak an obvious truth for fear of alienating a party or special interest group. You can convince them you are your own man (or woman).
3 It will let you deal with the Tea Party on your own terms
By signaling to the Tea Party that you aren't going to do whatever they want without question, you can court their support from a position of strength. As a Republican, you probably share at least some of the same policy views. The worst case scenario is that some of them might not vote, but there's no danger of them voting for Obama.
4 It will improve the reputation of your party
The Birther movement is making the Republican party look foolish. By rejecting it, you repair some of the damage.
5 It's the right thing to do
This might seem like odd political advice, but in a world of politics where half-truths, fallacious arguments, and deceptive language are the norm, doing the right thing can remind you that you had some good intentions going in. That can strengthen your resolve.
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